We have 8 club boats available for members to use free of charge, all clinker imitation GRP.
They are extremely stable and easily take 2 to 4 anglers.
Each boat is fitted with a mast and radar reflector.
We supply anchor, oars, just take them from the signing out room.
All you need is your own long shaft outboard engine 5HP to 10HP.
And a compass!

We have outboard storage available and a tank to test run before a trip and flush through on return.
You call or message the commodore the day before you want to go like any boat owner and it’s 10.00 per launch the same as them.
If we get enough interest we run a Wednesday evening club boat competition which is a good fun midweek thing to do in the summer.
It really is a cheap way to get to sea, learn to handle a boat, enjoy a day’s fishing.
So give it a try or spread the word look forward to seeing you on the beach.