Child Protection Policy

East Hastings Sea Angling Association


East Hasting Sea Angling Association has adopted the Angling Development Board (ADB) Child Protection Policy and Procedures and will:

• Accept the moral and legal responsibility to implement procedures to provide a duty of care for young people, safeguard their well-being and protect them from abuse

• Respect and promote the rights, wishes and feelings of young people

• Recruit, train and supervise their employees and volunteers so as to adopt best practice to safeguard and protect young people from abuse, and themselves against allegations

• Require staff and volunteers to adopt and abide by the ADB Child Protection Policy and Procedures which incorporate the ADB Code of Practice and Ethics

• Respond to any complaints about poor practice or allegations of abuse.

The guidance given in the full procedures (available from the NSPCC via their website ) is based on the following principles:

• This policy recognises and builds on the legal and statutory definitions of a child

• A young person is recognised as being under the age of 18 years (Children’s Act 1989 definition)

• An adult has the moral and statutory duty for the care, custody and control of any child under the age of 18 under their supervision

• The child’s welfare is paramount

• All young people, whatever their age, culture, any disability they may have, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief and sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse

• All incidents of poor practice or suspicions of poor practice and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately

• All young people have the right to participate in the sport of angling in an enjoyable and safe environment

• Young people have the right to expect appropriate support in accordance with their personal and social development with regard to their involvement in the sport of angling

• It is the responsibility of the child protection experts and agencies to determine whether or not abuse has taken place but it is everyone’s responsibility to report any concerns

• Confidentiality should be upheld in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 2000

All those involved in the management of young people in the sport of angling have a duty to ensure that they are:

• Allowed access to the sport in a way that is appropriate for their age and ability

• Coached and trained by appropriately qualified staff

• Not required to participate in so many competitions, or to attend training sessions as to become a threat to their well being

• Not subjected to bullying or undue pressure from any source

• Encouraged to achieve their full potential at all levels

• Instructed how to behave around water based venues

• Afforded respect, confidentiality and privacy in a competing and training situation and any other angling environment

Tide Times

20 April 2024

Time Type Height
04:28 low 1.72m
10:22 high 6.26m
16:51 low 1.77m
22:30 high 6.61m

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